Must Read

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Smell the air.

If you're anywhere near me, you'll be smelling freedom. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Hanis is free. She is no longer shackled by the chains of finals. No longer a slave to 10-hour studying days. While studying for the last paper (which was barely 10 hours ago), I was all pumped up to do several things.

Hanis' Thoughts Last Night

I'm going to burn my books!
I'm going to giggle to myself while rolling around in bed!
I'm going to scream and run out of the exam hall!
I'm going to throw all the papers I've used from the 9th floor of the hostel!
I'm going to run down the hallway half naked!

What Really Happened

Hanis answers paper demurely.
Hanis leaves hall 45 minutes early.
Hanis sits with friend, waiting for others.
Hanis eats lunch.
Hanis naps for 3 hours.

And you know what they say about the best laid plans..

Peace Out.


  1. What do they say about the best laid plans? I LOVE NAPPING.

  2. Haha, that was funny. I think like that sometimes, but I'm too much of a chicken to do all that.


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