Must Read

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pictures that Prove I Need a New Camera. And Skills.

First thing first, I'm not a habitual picture taker. I'm not even a big fan of pictures.
The whole family is like that. Proof: We still use a film camera.
My phone has a camera, combine with my shaky hand syndrome, you get pictures as below.
I wished I took more pictures of the day.
I'll do it next year or or during my next shopping escapade.
For now, enjoy and ooohs at the pictures.
I can take new ones of the necklace.
I'm in love with this bag. Like, it calllls out to me when I first saw it.
Mama likes it. I love it. Happy ending.
Yes, that is a pink carpet under it. Its oval and been in the house for ages.
My parents room has a blue square one.
That kind of carpet was the rage once upon a time.
The now famous necklace. Yes, I'm the master at taking blurry pictures.
One of my concern at choosing a necklace is the chain.
I wanted for it to be long and not flimsy. This one, is perfect.
Yes, my fingers resemble cocktail sausages. Yes, you're hungry.
No, its not a mind trick.
Another blurry picture. Here, my fingers seem a bit slimmer as I show off
the pocketwatch pendant. I like pressing the button up there to open it and tell
people what time it is. I'm like a kid with a new toy.
To be completely quoting some song, this place is heaven on earth. Its
an orgy for chocolates where chocolate lovers sit in every nook and cranny, moaning
as their tastebuds get sexually assaulted.
Readers, meet the current love of my life. Its a dark chocolate something that
tasted like they took a handful of Dove Dark Chocolate bars and blended it with ice.
I got a brain freeze drinking it and it was so close to being too much chocolate.
I just finished this about 30 mins ago. Cold chocolate cake = awesome.
Usually, my parents will buy 4 slices of cakes. Different as could be.
Like, there will be chocolate, cheesecake, blackforest and a wild card.
But this time, they bought a whole cake.
I'll leave you with how wrong the writing on the cake is.
I'm 20 for ffs, not 22.
I know, Mama wanted to smack the back of my head.
After I screamed on how they got it wrong.


  1. aww. the pocket watch! thanks for posting a photo of it!(;

  2. 'Yes, you're hungry.No, its not a mind trick.'
    HAHAHAHA, you're hilarious :D
    Ooooh the necklace looks cool!
    Chocolate lounge, don't know where that is but I NEED to go there. I went to this chocolate factory thing in KL, but they just let us taste some chocolate and that's about it :/

    i want, NOW. om nom nom slurp slurp.
    from what i can see of the pendant, it's totally pretty! and the bag is hot.

  4. yay pictures!
    i love the bag and the necklace. i've always wanted one of those. :)
    and ohmyy the cake and that drink both look delicious. would've wanted a taste. ahwell. once again, happy (belated) birthday! :D

  5. Aww I really really love that pocetwatch necklace! It looks so funky and cool :)


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