Must Read

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chocolate Bunnies Memory.

I was browsing through the Yahoo articles when I came across one of those "Let's compare different brands." kind. Most of the time, I skip that right over since most of those brands are either super expensive or aren't sold over here.

But this time, its chocolate bunnies. Yes, Easter is near. Here, its not a celebration with those eggs and rabbits. (I think since I've never seen any being displayed in supermarkets).

*gets a flashback memory*

While living in Nashville, we had a Walgreen's or something within walking distance from our apartment. During Easter, they'll have this super big display of chocolate bunnies.

There were large, medium and small ones. In pretty boxes decorated like a garden. The chocolate bunnies came in 4 different flavours: White chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate and cookies & cream.

Yes, they tasted heavenly.

I used my charms to persuade Dad to buy me one, every couple of days. By the time the whole Easter celebration went by, I had my own display in my bedroom.

Imagine this:

Boxes in each size lined up nicely, in every single flavour. Yes, I gained weight. No regrets.

I still remember the efforts I made to create my own display.

Yes, I didn't share any of those bunnies with anyone.

Here's to chocolate bunnies and the fourth month of the year.


  1. But you didn't show the bunny collection? :(

  2. I do consider easter chocolate to be some of the best chocolate there is.

  3. @Daniyal: This was more than a decade ago xD I don't have any pictures of it ;(

    @Mark: I just love chocolate. Full stop.


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