Must Read

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Two Cent on Dreams.

I don't mind dreams, as long as they're not nightmares or so weird that it creeps me out. 

The worst are the bad ones that seem so able to come true. 

Close at its heel are the ones that make me yearn for it to be true.

If only all my dreams can inspire to such heights.


  1. Dreams can be such a fascinating insight to who we are. If you take the time to look at them. Some people also think they mean nothing at all.

  2. My dreams are very odd. It's really creepy when there's a place in your dream, that you've never been before and then you go to it. I get that a lot! :S x

  3. I'm afraid I don't have quite enough time just yet to go through your story, but I have to say your comments are so very true - about the worst of nightmares being the ones that could possibly come true. Even the second, though I haven't have either yet, I think...


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