Must Read

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm a Sauce-ist.

Remember my thing against people twisting, licking and dunking? Well, I have another food oddity which is more likely to annoy some people.

First of all, I like burgers and subs. I like piling them with different kinds of sauces. Lamb kebabs are heaven with BBQ sauce and mayo. And that Italian BMT sub? Put every single sauce they have available. I like my burgers practically dripping with chilli sauce.

But when it comes to those sauces being dips, I'm quite particular in making sure they are not mixed at all. Like, don't dip your piece of chicken into the mayo then into the chilli sauce. You'll leave a white mark on the latter and god, I just hate that.

If people do that when its on their own plate, I don't mind. But when you're sharing, let's say a seafood platter and their actions will leave traces of tartar sauce in the chilli sauce, I'll be pissed. Mama often roll her eyes and snap at me when I get into a hissy fit over the chilli in the mayo.

Yes, I've smacked people's hands away from the second dipping with a hiss.

Yes, I got glared at for that.

What if the different sauces are on the same plate? I'll make sure they're not touching each other. If I can put them on different sides of the plate, I'll do it. If not, I'll make sure they got a barrier(potato wedges anyone?) between them.

You guys must be thinking "This girl is crazy." and my brother would agree. What is the benefit of this post? Well, you just found out another weird thing about me and just perhaps, you're getting a tip on what not to do if we ever go out to eat together.


  1. Haha :P Your probably one of those people against double dipping aren't ya?

  2. Hahaha. Ewwwwww. I hope that answers you :P

  3. haha this is awesome. I HATE IT WHEN SAUCES GET MIXED TOGETHER. especially mayo with anything. it gets the other sauces all white. ick. i think you and i will definitely get along in a restaurant!

  4. Hahaha I agree! I hate it when my sauces get mixed! And I don't think it's weird at all. :P

  5. SAME. I hate mixing the two sauces together. Christ. I'll punch someone, haha.

    Okay, now I'm seriously hungry for a burger or something to do with sauces.

  6. oh gawd. i love mixing sauces together. ketchup and mayo, ketchup and garlic sauce, honey mustard and cheese, etc. etc.

    eeps! *goes to hide in a corner now*

  7. @Furree: Yesss, we'll get along very well with our separate sauces.

    @aaishah: Haha, to us, its not weird. My brother likes mumbling under his breath about how weird it is. "It will mix in your tummy!"

    @Randomhyper: Hahaha, I get that feeling. I smacked someone's hand over another food related thing. Before glaring and hissing at them. Burgers = yummm.

    @ishashime: Haha, if those are for salads, marinades I won't mind. But, ewwww.

  8. Hahaha I do that. Guess you'll never share a seafood platter with me.

  9. Aseeellaaaa, its you! I haven't seen you in forever. Haha. We just have to ask for separate dips. Extra tartar sauce.

  10. Hahahaha, I don't like when sauces of two different colours mix together but if they do mix, I don't mind it that much :P

  11. haha you are funny! i thought only cats hiss! lol

    are you a karachite too like AZ and furree?? karachite's write so well.. if you're not a karachite, i still hav to say that you write so well (;

    your new follower (;

  12. @kayren: Hellllo new follower! Thank you so much for following. Haha, nah, I'm Malaysian. I thought you wanted to say I'm a karachite because I'm as pretty as Furree ;D. And thank you so much. And yes, I hiss. My brother too.

  13. Ketchup mixed with barbecue just plain disgusting...EWH! and how do you do you signature thingy?? haha


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