Friday, August 6, 2010


Flying over the keyboard, typing out the words from my mind with speed and accuracy that I sometimes just make myself stop and read what I wrote. For the first time, I'm using a non-human as my point of view. Well, its a bit jumbled up but its fresh. Compare to my usual style I mean.

Moving on, I'm now reading the book that have been on my desk here for nearly a month. The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo. Yes, its a bit slow at the beggining with all those Sweedish names -.- I was like "Wait, wait, who's this dude again?*checks few pages to the front*" But now I've moved on to page 236 so its going good for now.

I've started my brand new book too yesterday. The Fourth Estate by one of my favourite author of all time, Jeffrey Archer. I remember once, I was looked down on by a person who barely knew me when I was reading the synopsis on the back of an Archer's novel. The person snobbishly said it might be hard for me to understand.

I was like ... "Well, I did enjoyed Kane and Abel and The Prodigal Daughter. Fell in love with him because of those,"

Complete silence. KABAAM.

Haha, that reminded me of a certain classmate of mine who was all 'I know what I'm talking about and I'm an expert on this' when we were at a bookstore and I saw that Jodi Picoult (another fave <3 ) had a new book out. So naturally I grabbed a copy to see the synopsis on the back and decide if I'm gonna buy it instead of the vampire one in my hand.

"Oh, Jodi Picoult is not any good. Trust me,"

"... I have about 4 of her books and have read about 6 and I find her books amazing. Though they do make you think because its always about a real issue and its not a love lit,"


Going back to the present. Its about 82 mins to lunch time. I'm so gonna get some fried rice or something equally heavy. And my usual Milo.

Peace out.

And someone better be online tonight.

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